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Historic Fashion from all eras.


Here you will find handmaded historical clothing for ladies and gentlemen, theatrical costumes,  and accessories from the renaissance, rococo, crinoline-time.


So come on in, noble Lady, dear Sir.



Under the menu item "garments" you can see the descriptions and examples of fashion for the clothing epochs.

Look at the photo gallery - there you will find many pictures of my creations.



... is a strange thing, a dream of mankind for perfection. It gave birth in the past centuries to the strangest excesses, culminated sometimes even in grotesque structures and follies. Garments were slashed or cut on purpose and people walked as a living artwork over the courts floor.
Today our clothes are rather practical than beautiful.
Only the Ball-dresses still leave the splendor of former art suspected from fabric.




Like a queen

For only one time to be a princess or empress!

It was once the privilege of the noble ladies or the rich bourgeois women to be taken to the ball in beautiful gowns. Slip into a dress like the Empress sissi and dress up with pearls, hat and gloves and let this memorable moment hold on for eternity. Treat yourself to a portrait photo in one of my ball gowns. For the noble Lord  we will of course provide a evening dress and walking stick.


Can you buy such a garment?

The garments are mostly produced on request. About the contact form or by e-mail you are welcome to express your wishes and order something. There is nothing off the rack. Please remember that the manufacturing of the garments by hand requires more time, the more authentic the garment, the greater the effort.

Orders, please at least 2 to 3 months before you need your historical garb


You can buy my gowns and accessories in my Shop.